Welcome to Boomer Being!
Boomer Being is all about the sandwich generation—those of us who are or have been raising children while helping to take care of our parents—many while employed full time.
When dealing with life’s obstacles that inevitably arise, have you ever felt like you had to blaze your own trail over and over and over again? Perhaps you have medical issues to deal with for a child, spouse or parent. Maybe you or a family member have major real estate transactions to undertake—such as planning for relocation, an empty nest, retirement, or assisting your parents in selling their home. Often times you look for information that should be readily available, and find yourself on the phone for hours--searching for answers to your important questions…and winding up dissatisfied.
Whatever the issues you are dealing with are—rest assured that you are not alone!! Many of us have spent years ferreting out resources, and finding solutions to Boomer issues!
Whether married or single, boomers have many commonalities that define them.
Baby Boomers are the largest generation in American History, numbering almost 78 million strong.
Boomers are the product of a post WWII explosion in the US birthrate born between 1946 & 1964. Although there was also a surge of baby boomers born in Canada and Western Europe, the focus of our show is on American boomers.
In 2011 the first of the baby boomer generation turns 65 years old.
Because of sheer numbers, this group plays an enormous role in many aspects of society- from healthcare to politics, from the economy to retirement. The vast impact of baby boomers has been evident for decades and will continue for years to come.
Boomers have lived through significant events in America, such as the Civil Rights Movement, the first moon walk, and the Women’s Movement. But nothing defines this group as much as it’s sheer size, and the indelible contributions made by famous members of the boomer generation; three Presidents were or are baby boomers: Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama. Other notable boomers include Oprah Winfrey, Hillary Clinton, Condolizza Rice, & Al Gore. Countless baby boomers have influenced our lives--boomers in the arts, in education in business/science & technology: Steve Jobs was a baby boomer.
Boomer Being is a show all about this amazing segment of the population. We will attempt to bring relevant, interesting programs to our audience to help improve essential aspects of life. In coming weeks, we will provide information and discuss issues that are near and dear to a group of Americans that is like no other.
Issues such as health and well being, exercise for Boomers, retirement, caring for aging parents, and current legislation that will impact millions of Americans.
Tune in to Andover Television to see Boomer Being (copyright 2011, All rights reserved)
www.andovertv.org for schedule
I have enjoyed the first episodes of Boomer Being. This is very important information that is relevant to today's Boomer!